We are told, inelegant And departed from complaint, Relinquished with savagery into the world again. iii. The Architect Arrives for the Summer in Greece The coffee is steaming sweet silt in the white cup. Gold plates gleam in the noon through dust Off the square. Behind the baths is An excavated garden, scorched to stone By centuries, five skeletal trees Caged in a bleached peristyle.  | | Leda, Diana, Ganymede - "These thoughts I carry with me, ashy remembrance Of one believed inviolable and cruel" - And so, though it is impossible to render solace To one who is gone, one might still shoulder it For another day, some other role. iv. The Journalist Embarks for Cyprus The great anchor at the rusted bow rests against the Wind like a giant vertebra deposited by years of decay; He crouches beneath it sipping a Heineken and covering his face . |