dirty nails, she says with such virility
odd her femininity is unquestioned. Then why
does she grow angry
as we gaze into her happy but broken Arabic
and mention calmly Monogamy is like
carbonated water, has fizzle, pop, pop -- don't
want the party to stop
but, smack of the lips, it is tasteless.
Reflex shotgun mechanism at the little devil I am
a child of the corn stalks
adapted and drafted for the burning black rapids
(the army ain't for me, men, the army ain't
for me
mountains, barb wire, unit of my own --
army still gon' come get me).
Can you write without hands? I ask each
recruiter, my future
possibly a well-paid writer penning poems on
coffee-stained napkins
hand shaking vehement chickenscratch
remembering deeds done.
Now she says Should be writing about our café
then -- fakes here
wish I would tell her how much I hate boulevard
cafés though
French fox pits, redlight fleshblood mannequin
quips, café stints
is where they threw slave brave black tiger
killed Frenchmen like Wow with honors, papers
the French man Nous mourrions avec eux
We would