
The Editors


In keeping with the theme of this issue, we mainly cast a fond look back at the Internet of the past (and yes, websites seem to live forever):

Mark Russell Gelade: Navigating By Stars - New story collection under the Caveat Lector imprint. For more, also see Mark Russell Gelade's author website.

Foreword Reviews - Comprehensive profiles and reviews of independent authors. See also Caveat Lector co-editor Ho Lin's book reviews.

Angelfire Website Builder Style Library - Earlier, simpler times, when text still reigned supreme.

Live Journal - A remnant of this new-fangled thing called "blogs." Now owned by the Russians!

AOL.com - Love them or hate them, they once ruled the earth.

Looksmart - Once poised to be Google, before Google. Now their tagline is "find what they bury." Hmm!