The Beat Aesthetic and Why We Need It Today

Clive Matson

Clive Matson: The Beat Aesthetic and Why We Need It Today

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Clive Matson (MFA Columbia University) was drafted as Chalcedony's (kal-SAID-'n-ease) astonished scribe in 2004. His early teachers were Beats in New York City, and, amazingly, his seventh book was placed in John Wieners' coffin. He writes from the itch in his body, to the delight of his students, and that's old hat, according to Let the Crazy Child Write! (1998), the text he uses to make his living, teaching creative writing. His essays have appeared in a variety of journals, including Poets & Writers. He enjoys playing basketball, table tennis, and collecting minerals in the field. He lives in Oakland, California. The City of Berkeley awarded Clive a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2012. Visit Clive at

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