Selected Art

Wendy Goldberg



Artist's statement:

My work is concerned mostly with the feeling or temperament of a place be it a landscape or an interior. With the landscape I’m interested in capturing fleeting moments and sensations through changes in light and atmosphere. With the interiors, I hope to convey what makes these spaces personal, what gives them character, what feelings they evoke, what came before or what may come next. How does one capture a sense of their particular story?

The landscape becomes a point of departure. From it I attempt to distill what is mysterious, ephemeral and often dreamlike—nuances of fog, rain and quickly changing weather, or the play of dark form/mass against brilliant light. Most, therefore, are portraits of a place or time of day where or when shadows are deep and the light is intense, uncommon or fleeting.The experience of working on-site in these constantly changing conditions becomes an integral part of the piece.

With both inner and outer “landscapes,” the character or sense of place is more meaningful to me than reproducing an exact likeness. I feel that these pieces reflect both a sense of time, brief as it may be, and a sense of timelessness as well as a reflection of an emotional state.

Drawing is my first love, for its immediacy, its messiness, its direct and vital connection between seeing and feeling, and for me, with this crazy world we live in, a brief moment where I'm not thinking but just taking in what's immediately before me. Like gardening, where I can't keep my gloves on, I like getting my hands dirty. I like the sensuousness of chalk or charcoal or compost. I like drawing weather or clouds or the beginnings and ends of the day when the light and atmosphere are constantly changing. Drawing seems the best and the most direct means of achieving this.


California artist Wendy Goldberg has been commended by artists and curators alike, including Philip Linhares, Wayne Thiebaud, John Toki, Susan Jane Walp, Karin Breuer and Marian Parmenter. Her work is included in the Achenbach Collection of Prints and Drawings of the San Francisco Legion of Honor Museum, the Haas Collection, Stanford University Medical Center, Genentech Corp, Loyola Marymount Health Center, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Artist’s Gallery, New York Drawing Center Viewing Program, Engel & Davis, LLP, Anderson Consulting, Berkman, Bottger & Rodd as well as many other private and public collections throughout the country and abroad. More of her work can be found at