Wolf Page 4

Days in the Place Balzac -
bodily dispersal -
I turn out the image once more.
Her dream: to wear white muslin and to live
on a cliff by the sea, somewhere, someday,
with me I remember hoping.
Morning fields dazed in a stupor of herbicide.
Earth hosting a history of guests who don’t
    know when to leave.
“It’s love not me rolling over in utter
A woman bends to kiss
the wooden cross that serves
as her husband’s grave marker
and where will the memory go
once she and I and everyone else
who leafed past the news photo today are

A “detour of birth” you called it ...
“Severed by what?”
Moist flare of final thought?
Fade out of distilling intuition and reasonable

All that rigor married merely to inswept rumor,
dust of the earth rising?
How this ache the mind insists
on being –
How it returns once more
to the soul’s ideal weight –
Soul that remains all or nothing?
“Yours is,” she laughed, “a predictably
     romantic desire.”
“Yes, but the necessity that
gives rise to the desire confirms
the contemporaneity of such a value.”