Who Are You Wearing?
Gordon Phipps
[Total Pages: 3]
Phipps Page 1

The parade of heavenly carriages descends to
    the gates of the scarlet glade --
long, well-stocked saloons floating on
    pressurized air,
black or white, their opaque shields conceal
    divine passengers.
Behind densely armed centurions, bleachered
    rabble gasp as the procession hovers, hisses,
    hums above
the freshly scrubbed stones.

Behold! They disembark! See them emerge!
Reborn, upright, fully formed.
The mischievous and the severe, exhilaratingly
    lucid with volitional annual detox,
ageless wonders of rolfed, massaged, Pilates'd,
    coiffeured charisma,
sculpted and painted facades of forced humility,

resplendent in couture colors, the folding
    drapery oblivious
to recent fluctuations of mass and assemblage.
The breasts are hung low, au naturel,
or pushed up like muffins on a cupboard shelf.

Idly, they wander on layers of rose petals, palm
    leaves, maroon tapestries.
Sans repertoire, they seem almost lost, without
    temples or retainers, with no fire to quell,
    floodwater to still, monster to grapple and
Resourcefully they greet one another as if old
Bare female shoulders and voices ascend as the
    steroid robust males squeeze, single-handed,
between occasional embraces of awkward