Regrasará del llanto
adonde fue llevada
con su desierta mesa,
con su ruinosa cama.
Florecerán los besos
sobre las almohadas.
Y en torno de los cuerpos
elevará le sábana
nocturna, perfumada.
El odio se amortigua
detrás de la ventana.
Será la garra suave.
Dejadme la esperanza.
Translator's note: Miguel Hernández (1910-~1942) was born into
a poor family in Orihuela, Spain, and received little formal education.
He was arrested many times for his anti-fascist sympathies and eventually
sentenced to death (though he died of tuberculosis in extremely harsh
prison conditions). Canción ultima is part of his Cancionero
y romancero de ausencia ("Song and Ballad of Absence"), much of
which is in the form of simple verses regarding the Spanish Civil
War, his imprisonment, the death of an infant son, and the efforts
of his wife and son to survive in poverty.
