She prepares
herself again to go,
implying she's there to any she sees,
preparing for wherever she may be,
alone with the man where no one yet goes,
and, to the extent she knows they know,
even as with her they are in spirit,
only at day's end does she start to fear it,
the only being in whom this love grows;
and, when the time comes to lie in his arms,
then she's afraid they'll know she's there.
She feels uncertain and acts unaware
as if making love would raise an alarm,
ever faithfully, she daily chooses
the same loved man that she nightly refuses.
Robert Wooten
had one "Poem of Month" and has been an alternate and runner-up
in the same series. His second chapbook, Famous Last Words,
was published last year by In His Steps Publishing. He lives
in North Carolina.
