Now they're leaving us as the light
goes down and never goes out . . . Vanya
and Sonya totaling accounts . . .
Each night the watchman sings and the stars
descend to the fields - the summer is never-
ending - and cannot be counted. The trees
diminish from year to year. In a thousand
years, the happy people will never
remember us who sit breathless
before the applause begins, not wanting
this firefly era to end, its smell
of hay and tango of groveling,
bang! of misaimed love and odor
of gunpowder rising like morning mist . . .
Telegin, play, we're perspiring, high
in the rafters, limbo's fellowship,
remembering how the doctor paced
out the summer a thousand miles
that way and this and sat in a chair.
There's no other way for us to be born
into pre-birth's motherland
where we were so bored oh god we put on
trousers and shaved, trying on selves,
sipped into dresses and tried devotion