Odio Page 6

It affirms.

What affirmation makes it turn,
Become the language

Of a secret history?

The affirmation of the air.

Between Mexico and New York, 1960

Eunice Odio (1919-1974) is considered Costa Rica's leading poet of the twentieth century. Her principal works include Los elementos terretres and El tránsito de fuego. She was also the author of short stories and cultural and political essays.



¿Qué afirmación lo hace girar,
ser el lenguaje

de una historia secreta?

La afirmación del aire.

Keith Ekiss is the recipient of a 2004 Witter Bynner Translators Residency from the Santa Fe Art Institute. His translations of Eunice Odio have appeared in such journals as Modern Poetry in Translation and Two Lines.